0047 E - Vehicles - The Importance of the Walk Around
Featured Videos
2m 45s
This video shows the importance of the walk-around before you drive away. Basic inspection is so important. In the video, Steve shares a personal experience that highlights why we should never become complacent about checking our vehicles, whether at home or at work. He drives home a simple yet critical habit: always take the time to walk around your vehicle before driving off. Just 5 to 20 seconds is all it takes to ensure your surroundings are clear and safe. Steve’s message is powerful: never rush, always stay aware, and make checking your vehicle a non-negotiable part of your routine. He also shares a compelling testimony from a business that adopted this practice, showing how it created a safer and more conscientious workplace. The lesson? Safety starts with good habits; be cautious, stay aware, and take those extra moments to protect yourself and those around you.
Have fun! Tell your crew to look for something in the video to create curiosity before you show it. This will help them pay more attention. In this case considering asking your crew if they have done something similar to what I did when I was in college like I describe in this video. Then after the video, be sure to debrief it with some open-ended questions to promote discussion and challenge them to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives! Get those stories from your people. Hopefully it was just property damage like me. Take the concepts presented in the video and make your talk as specific as you can to your job, industry, tasks, equipment, and work environment. In this case you could also ask what materials have been damaged at home or at work like the glass that was unsecured and came crashing down in this video.
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