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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0006 S - Espalda - Levantar Cargas - 8 Puntos Claves

All Videos • 4m 45s

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  • 0007 E - Housekeeping - Obstructions ...

    In this video, Steve tackles a crucial topic: keeping your workspace clear and organized. Watch as a worker faces tight spaces and slow-moving loads due to obstructions, showing just how much of an impact clutter can have on the job. Steve emphasizes the importance of staying calm an...

  • 0007 S - Limpieza - Obstrucciones en ...

    En este video, Steve aborda un tema clave: mantener tu área de trabajo limpia y ordenada. ¿Qué podría hacer un sitio de trabajo ineficiente? ¡Las obstrucciones! Verás cómo el desorden puede hacer que el trabajo sea más lento y menos seguro. Cuando un trabajador se enfrenta a espacios...

  • 0008 E - Pallet Jacks - Operation

    In this video, Steve emphasizes the importance of safety and focus in the workplace. Using a basketball analogy at the four-minute mark, he shows how awareness and precision -just like on the court- can help prevent accidents and improve efficiency. Steve reminds us that only trained...