0019 E - Reducing Injuries - Frustration
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1m 20s
This video touches on two important topics. First, the segment about FRUSTRATION, which is explored further in the short video "0019 S - Reducing Injuries - Frustration." In this segment, Steve explains how frustration can lead us to make unsafe decisions, increasing the risk of accidents. When we’re under pressure or irritated, it's easy to give in to the temptation to take shortcuts, but these can have serious consequences.
It also mentions the T-shirt Steve is wearing with the message "It’s not my job." This detail is further discussed in "0010 S - T-shirt - It’s Not My Job," where the importance of shared responsibility in the workplace is addressed. We are all responsible for safety, even if it's not directly part of our job.
I always suggest giving an introduction before and a conclusion after showing the video. Before showing it to your team, ask them to identify, write down, or note something that impacted them in the video. Or simply challenge them to remember something that appears in the video to spark curiosity. For example, say something like, "Halfway through this video, Steve mentions an incident involving an employee who wasn’t paying attention while pushing mobile ladders." This is what I mean by giving an introduction before showing the video. Now, the audience is paying more attention. And you’re guaranteed to have their engagement and input when you debrief (or give the conclusion) after showing the video. You have this guarantee because everyone already knows they’re responsible for identifying or writing something they learned or found impactful. Use your personality, enjoy it, and change up your methods often to find what works best in your meetings.
Up Next in All Videos
0019 S - Reducir Lesiones - Frustración
Este video toca dos temas importantes. Primero, la parte sobre FRUSTRACIÓN, que se explora más en el video corto "0019 S - Reducir Lesiones - Frustración". En este segmento, Steve explica cómo la frustración puede llevarnos a tomar decisiones inseguras, aumentando el riesgo de accide... -
0020 E - Tools - Damaged Equipment - ...
In this powerful video, Steve tackles a major safety issue that’s often overlooked: keeping broken or damaged equipment lying around. He warns that if something’s broken -especially something like electrical cables- you need to destroy it before tossing it out. Why? Because someone e... -
0021 E - Hygiene - Wash Your Hands - ...
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It’s almost always best to set up and debrief a video. This means before you show the video; give them something to loo...