0023 E - Safety Culture - Reducing Injuries - So You Say You Love Your Family
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2m 39s
This video drives home a powerful message: don’t rush through tasks—always make sure you’re working safely. It’s not just about checking boxes or following rules; it’s about taking full responsibility for yourself and the people around you. Whether it’s using a frayed extension cord, texting while driving, or skipping out on protective gear, these “small” actions can have devastating consequences. You could lose a finger, a limb, or worse. Even more terrifying, you could harm someone else, your co-worker, friend, or family member. Safety isn’t a choice; it’s a mindset that needs to guide every move you make. So, slow down, think ahead, and make safety your top priority, every time. Because once something goes wrong, you can't take it back—and the cost can be unthinkable. Remember: Safety is worth the time—it’s worth everything.
Before showing the video, spark your team’s curiosity by challenging them: "Look out for a moment in this video when Steve talks about something that seems small but has huge consequences—what’s something we tend to overlook in our daily work that could go wrong?" This creates anticipation and ensures that your team is paying attention. After the video, lead a discussion that invites everyone to reflect: "What’s one thing from this video that you’re going to change about your approach to safety? Why is it so easy to overlook these details?" By encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences, you’ll reinforce the idea that safety is everyone’s responsibility. Don’t just watch—take action!
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