0045 E - Red Tape the Right Way - Falling Objects
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3m 47s
In this eye-opening video, Steve takes us through a vivid comparison between chaos and professionalism in a red-taped-off area. First, we meet Clown #1, Buffoon #2, and Jester #3; each one completely disregarding safety protocols with reckless abandon. Their actions show us exactly how not to behave in a restricted zone, turning what should be a safe area into a danger zone. But then, we flip the script and see Class Act #1, Best Worker #2, and Job Super #3 in action. These professionals know exactly how to handle the situation: they respect the tape, stay aware, and follow protocol to keep everyone safe. Steve’s message is powerful: don’t be the clowns who think safety is optional, be the professionals who understand that respecting boundaries and following the rules isn’t just a good practice, it’s a life-saving habit. When you see that red tape, take it seriously—because a moment of carelessness can lead to disaster.
Have fun! Tell your crew to look for something in the video to create curiosity before you show it. This will help them pay more attention. Then after the video, be sure to debrief it with some open-ended questions to promote discussion and challenge them to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives! Take the concepts presented in the video and make your talk as specific as you can to your job, industry, tasks, equipment, and work environment.
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