000b E - OSHAFLIX Trailer
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1m 10s
Hi, it's Steve. Thanks for looking into OSHAFLIX: Toolbox talks that don't bore you to death in English and Spanish. I created OSHAFLIX for two reasons. 1.) To provide content for daily and weekly toolbox talks that so many people have told me they need throughout my years as a safety trainer. So I'm providing you videos for every safety meeting that are short and sweet. And 2.) To show you how to deliver a toolbox talk so you don't bore people to death. That's my purpose. That's my mission. I'd love for you to be a part of OSHAFLIX, but much more so, I hope that OSHAFLIX is a tool that benefits you by helping to improve your safety culture and the safety mindset at your company and in your crew.
And please let me know if you're interested to have me come out with the OSHAFLIX video crew to record some footage that is specific to your tools, company and location. We would be happy to do that and get those videos up on OSHAFLIX so you can have that content available to you for new hires, ongoing safety huddles and refresher training. I invite you to reach out to me filming at your company interest you. Thank you for considering OSHAFLIX!
Up Next in All Videos
0001 E - Mobile Stairs Basics
This video shows how mobile stairs work, move around, lock into place, and their advantages over step ladders and extension ladders. Inspection is emphasized. Steven St. Laurent, OSHAFLIX trainer, mentions an incident at the plant where the video was filmed where someone wasn’t p... -
0001 S - Escaleras móviles - lo básico
Este video enseña cómo funcionan las escaleras móviles, cómo podemos moverlas, cómo asegurarlas para que no se muevan; y también menciona sus ventanas comparadas con escaleras portátiles. Steven St. Laurent, entrenador de OSHAFLIX, recalca la inspección visual antes de cada uso. ¡... -
0002 E - Forklift - Housekeeping - Jo...
In this video you’ll see a crazy-cluttered work area with a forklift driving through and hitting things. At one point in the video, the forklift driver lifts a flammable cabinet which obstructs his view, while at that same time there are two other workers walking through the work ...