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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0012 S - Camiseta - Siempre lo hemos hecho así

Every Video • 1m 6s

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  • 0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics

    Confined spaces come with risks you might not even think about. This video breaks down what the definition of confined space, the difference between Permit and Non-permit spaces, and the 7 requirements of the standard.

    Do you know what 3 parameters define a confined space? Steve p...

  • 0116 E - True Story - Ladder Fall in ...

    This video painfully tells the story of a man who fell on a 40-foot ladder and lived to tell about it. But not after suffering many months of recovery and pain.

    Create curiosity before you show any video. Before starting this video you could t...

  • 0009 S - Pallet Jacks - Peatones

    En este video, hablamos sobre el peligro de tomar a la ligera estas máquinas. Verás cómo un trabajador se va metiendo en esa mentalidad de "siempre lo hemos hecho así", lo fácil que es acoger exceso de confianza cuando las tareas ya nos parecen tan familiares. Es fácil pensar que n...