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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0016 S - Camiseta - Yo te aseguro que yo no fui

Every Video • 57s

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  • 0024 E - Safety Culture - Driving - R...

    This episode of OSHAFLIX vintage dives deep into the dangers of distracted driving and challenges us to rethink those seemingly harmless moments when we take our attention off the road. Whether you're checking a text, responding to an email, or reaching for something in the back seat...

  • 0098 S - Protección de oídos - Cóm...

    En este video, Steve nos muestra cómo poner y quitar los tapones para los oídos de manera correcta para cuidar nuestra audición. Insiste en que no hay que escatimar cuando se trata de proteger los oídos, y que con un poco más de esfuerzo, podemos hacerlo bien. "No seas flojo," dice S...

  • 0202 E - Ladder Safety - Extension - ...


    In this video, Steve shares a shocking story that underscores the importance of ladder safety and making smart decisions on the job. While rushing to finish a painting project, Steve grabbed a ladder with a known defect instead of taking three extra minutes to get a safer one. To ...