0033 E - True Story - Fatal Fall on Stairs - Hold Railing
Every Video
3m 19s
Steven tells the true story of a person in a chicken plant going up and down stairs with trays of chicken in their hands. One day, that person made the simple mistake of not holding the railing while they were making this trip, and from one moment to the next he slipped, leading to his death. Steve explains the importance of putting into practice simple safety habits and how one small thing like holding the railing can save your life. People do not want to take those extra 30 seconds to be safe, we underestimate the danger of everyday bad habits and because of that, we endanger our lives and the lives around us. Do not be like other people, take those extra 30 seconds.
It’s almost always best to set up and debrief a video. This means before you show the video; give them something to look for, write down, remember, or list out from the video. Basically, you’re giving your crew something to look for to their raise curiosity such as, “About halfway through this video, listen carefully for what Steve says about what happened as a result of not paying attention to where you’re pushing the mobile stairs.” This is what I mean by set up the video. Now they are paying more attention! And you are guaranteeing participating when you debrief (or discuss) the video after showing it because your people already know they are looking for something or they were supposed to write something down (or remember one thing from the video). Be yourself. Have fun with it. Vary your methods each time. See what works best with your audience.
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