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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0033 S - Historias verdaderas - Caída fatal en escaleras - Pasamanos

Every Video • 4m 6s

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  • 0008 E - Pallet Jacks - Operation

    In this video, Steve emphasizes the importance of safety and focus in the workplace. Using a basketball analogy at the four-minute mark, he shows how awareness and precision -just like on the court- can help prevent accidents and improve efficiency. Steve reminds us that only trained...

  • 0010 E - T-Shirt - It's Not My Job

    This entire video also appears as part of “0007 E - Housekeeping - Obstructions in the Plant”. In this video, Steve mentions how it is important for everyone’s safety to clear things out of the way, so it’s not a hazard for other people. He wants to make sure that everyone takes re...

  • 0002 S - Montacargas - Organización -...

    En este video, mirarás un area de trabajo loca y adornada con escombros mientras un montacargas trata de pasar por ahí. En un momento del video, el operador del montacargas tiene un gabinete que contiene líquidos inflamables. El gabinete bloquea la vista y casi atropella a dos co...