0041 E - True Story - Chipped Tooth - Jerry Braley
Every Video
2m 59s
Our friend here shares an important lesson about properly bracing glass crates, both on and off-site. He recalls an incident during an unloading job where safety measures were skipped in a rush to finish quickly. Without the proper bracing, a glass panel slipped and fell onto a worker, completely busting his tooth. Luckily, that was all that happened, but it could have been much worse—head injuries or fractures were a real possibility. This story highlights how cutting corners on safety can have serious consequences. It’s a reminder that taking just a few extra moments to secure the load properly can prevent accidents, protect workers, and avoid potentially life-changing injuries.
It’s almost always best to set up and debrief a video. This means before you show the video; give them something to look for, write down, remember, or list out from the video. Basically, you’re giving your crew something to look for to their raise curiosity such as, “About halfway through this video, listen carefully for what Steve says about what happened as a result of not paying attention to where you’re pushing the mobile stairs.” This is what I mean by set up the video. Now they are paying more attention! And you are guaranteeing participating when you debrief (or discuss) the video after showing it because your people already know they are looking for something or they were supposed to write something down (or remember one thing from the video). Be yourself. Have fun with it. Vary your methods each time. See what works best with your audience.
Up Next in Every Video
0036 S - Historia verdadera - Hombre ...
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0045 E - Red Tape the Right Way - Fal...
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0033 E - True Story - Fatal Fall on S...
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