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0042 S - Limpieza - Sierra de corte - En la fábrica

Every Video • 2m 36s

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  • 0046 E - Proper Lifting Techniques wi...

    This video shows how to properly lift items like glass, drywall, plywood, or other such large items with a partner. Watch for the disaster at the end and see if you can figure out why it happens! This is included in the "Attitude, Mindset & Values" Specific Collection because of wh...

  • 0012 E - T-Shirt - We’ve Always Done ...

    In this eye-opening video, Steve takes a bold stance against the mindset of "we’ve always done it that way," showcasing a T-shirt that perfectly captures the danger of this thinking. Just because something has been done a certain way for years doesn’t mean it’s the safest or smartest...

  • 0099 S - Gafas de seguridad - Están ...

    Este video retoma los puntos clave de "0027 S - Historia verdadera - Gafas de seguridad salvó su vida - EPP" y profundiza en la importancia de las gafas de seguridad con clasificación de impacto y con protección lateral para cuidar tus ojos. A diferencia de las gafas recetadas o las ...