0009 E - Pallet jacks - Pedestrians
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2m 16s
In this video, we tackle the dangerous trap of complacency. Watch as a worker falls into the “we’ve always done it that way” mindset, showing just how easy it is to let your guard down after routine tasks feel familiar. It's easy to assume nothing will go wrong, but that’s when accidents happen. We explore how desensitization can lead to overlooking safety measures, especially around blind spots and heavy equipment like pallet jacks. Steve highlights the importance of staying aware, maintaining eye contact with operators, and never assuming that everything will be fine. We also emphasize the need to make safety a habit. When we make the right choices every day, even in moments of distraction, our body will default to safe practices.
This video is a continuation of “0008 E - Pallet Jacks - Operation” focusing on pedestrians around operators. It's for those walking near pallet jacks—don’t assume the operator sees you or knows your next move. Always communicate and stay alert, especially around blind spots. Steve also shares his thoughts on the “We’ve always done it that way” mentality, urging viewers to be open to new, better, and safer ways of doing things. Creating new habits takes time, but it’s worth it to prevent accidents and ensure that safety is automatic.
Stay alert, stay safe, and don't let complacency be your downfall. For more on breaking the “We’ve always done it that way” mentality, check out video #0012.
It’s almost always best to set up and debrief a video. This means before you show the video; give them something to look for, write down, remember, or list out from the video. Basically, you’re giving your crew something to think about to their raise curiosity so they focus on the video and are prepared to say something afterward. I suggest cueing up this video by declaring, "Steve mentions the concept of muscle memory at the beginning and end of this video. What did that make you think about? And how can creating safety habits (and thus developing a muscle memory) help us avoid injuries when working around pallet jacks?" Have fun with it. Vary your methods each time. Learn what works best with your audience.
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