0042 E - Housekeeping - Chop Saw - In the Shop
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2m 33s
This video shows comically shows how clutter and frustration go hand in hand. Steve shows us a video comparing two construction sites: one disorganized and unsafe, and another well-kept and secure. This clear contrast highlights the crucial role housekeeping plays in maintaining a safe work environment. After the video, our friend Ronald Marcella III shares the number one rule for a safe jobsite: CLEAN. He emphasizes that cleanliness is directly tied to safety. Clean up after yourself, and if you see something unsafe or messy, don’t leave it for someone else—pick it up. Ronald reminds us that you can never clean enough, because a clean site is a safer site. It’s not just about tidiness; it’s about preventing accidents and keeping everyone safe.
Have fun! Tell your crew to look for something in the video to create curiosity before you show it. In this case try asking your crew if they can figure out what he forgets at the end! It is his ear muffs and face shield. This will help them pay more attention. Then after the video, be sure to debrief it with some open-ended questions to promote discussion and challenge them to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives! Take the concepts presented in the video and make your talk as specific as you can to your job, industry, tasks, equipment, and work environment.
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