0043 E - True Story - Hearing Loss - Jerry Braley
All Videos
6m 44s
This video powerfully drives home the importance of using hearing protection at work and while doing recreational activities like shooting a gun and hunting. Jerry opens up about his personal experience with hearing loss, reflecting on the days when he had perfect hearing and how he wishes he had taken better care of it. He urges everyone to recognize that even minimal exposure to loud noises from heavy machinery can cause lasting damage to your ears over time. Jerry stresses that with all the ear protection available today, there’s no reason for anyone to suffer hearing loss. This message isn’t just for the workplace—it applies to activities at home too, like hunting, shooting, and using chainsaws. The harsh reality is that once your hearing is gone, you can’t get it back, and the damage often happens gradually, so you may not even realize it's happening until it’s too late. Jerry’s message is clear: hearing is a vital part of living, so protect it—before it’s gone.
Have fun! Tell your crew to look for something in the video to create curiosity before you show it. This will help them pay more attention. Then after the video, be sure to debrief it with some open-ended questions to promote discussion and challenge them to apply the lessons learned to their personal and professional lives! Take the concepts presented in the video and make your talk as specific as you can to your job, industry, tasks, equipment, and work environment.
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