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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0036 S - Historia verdadera - Hombre y Plywood van volando - Francisco Michicoj

Every Video • 1m 27s

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  • 0045 E - Red Tape the Right Way - Fal...

    In this eye-opening video, Steve takes us through a vivid comparison between chaos and professionalism in a red-taped-off area. First, we meet Clown #1, Buffoon #2, and Jester #3; each one completely disregarding safety protocols with reckless abandon. Their actions show us exactly h...

  • 0033 E - True Story - Fatal Fall on S...

    Steven tells the true story of a person in a chicken plant going up and down stairs with trays of chicken in their hands. One day, that person made the simple mistake of not holding the railing while they were making this trip, and from one moment to the next he slipped, leading to h...

  • 0007 E - Housekeeping - Obstructions ...

    In this video, Steve tackles a crucial topic: keeping your workspace clear and organized. Watch as a worker faces tight spaces and slow-moving loads due to obstructions, showing just how much of an impact clutter can have on the job. Steve emphasizes the importance of staying calm an...