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Watch this video and more on OSHAFLIX

0042 E - Housekeeping - Chop Saw - In the Shop

Every Video • 2m 33s

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  • 0041 E - True Story - Chipped Tooth -...

    Our friend here shares an important lesson about properly bracing glass crates, both on and off-site. He recalls an incident during an unloading job where safety measures were skipped in a rush to finish quickly. Without the proper bracing, a glass panel slipped and fell onto a worke...

  • 0036 S - Historia verdadera - Hombre ...

    Nuestro amigo aquí nos cuenta una historia real que presenció de cerca y que lo marcó. Estaba trabajando en el techo de una ventana en el segundo piso junto a un compañero. Ninguno de los dos llevaba arnés porque pensaron que no era necesario y que les tomaría demasiado tiempo. De re...

  • 0045 E - Red Tape the Right Way - Fal...

    In this eye-opening video, Steve takes us through a vivid comparison between chaos and professionalism in a red-taped-off area. First, we meet Clown #1, Buffoon #2, and Jester #3; each one completely disregarding safety protocols with reckless abandon. Their actions show us exactly h...