0002 E - Forklift - Housekeeping - Job site Awareness Hazard ID
Identify the Hazards
3m 4s
In this video you’ll see a crazy-cluttered work area with a forklift driving through and hitting things. At one point in the video, the forklift driver lifts a flammable cabinet which obstructs his view, while at that same time there are two other workers walking through the work area. The forklift operator on his phone almost takes out his coworker, who was also on his phone. The last 30 seconds show the right way to keep your shop before a forklift comes through.
I have used this video many times and achieved great participation by doing the following: Before I show the video, I tell the crew to identify as many safety concerns as they can, trying to come up with more than anyone else. These could be unsafe things or things that were done correctly in the video. If you’re set up for it, show the video; then have each person take 30-60 seconds to write down as many unsafe things as they can come up with. Whether they write things down or not, below is a good working list of safety points to be identified. Write out the list on a screen, whiteboard or flip chart if possible. Otherwise, simply keep a count of the total number of unique safety points identified by your crew. One final comment: Every time you do an activity like this where you ask your people to identify hazards, before each person one-by-one tells you something they identified; always ask them for a show of hands sharing how many safety concerns they identified. It ALWAYS happens that people individually come up with 3 to 6 things on average, but collectively we easily come up with 7 to 10 things (or more as shown below). The powerful teaching point to make is that we don’t see everything, we are not God’s gift to humanity, and we will miss things. Thus, why would we ever reject the advice, warning or reminder from a trained co-worker or subcontractor who is reminding us about safety. We need each other, we affect each other, and we depend on each other. If I work next to you, I affect the future of your family. And -same thing- you working next to me, you affect the future of my children. So, look out for each other, speak up and receive each others advice and reminders about safety. Teamwork is one of the best ways to reduce injuries.
1.) Clean up after yourself.
2.) Inspect your area.
3.) Drive in reverse when view is obstructed.
4.) Use spotter.
5.) Designate pedestrian walkways.
6.) Designate loading area.
7.) Keep load low to the ground.
8.) Secure loads to forks.
9.) Don’t let loose debris, chains or other materials be on the lift.
10.) No phones for operator or pedestrians.
11.) Wear proper PPE (high-visibility vests, hard-toe boots, safety glasses, etc.)
12.) Pay attention, put up mirrors, lights working on forklift.
13.) Dismount facing the forklift and use 3 points of contact.
14.) Fork tips must be against ground when parking or getting out of forklift.
15.) Mirrors must be on forklift.
16.) Use the seatbelt.
17.) Daily written inspection must be performed along with maintenance of lift.
18.) And what else can you identify?
Up Next in Identify the Hazards
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