Weekly Zoom Training

Weekly Zoom Training

This Big Category contains all the free, weekly toolbox talks that Steven St. Laurent conducts live via Zoom to aid companies with their toolbox safety talks. These Toolbox Tuesday videos start at the 200-series. In other words, they go from 0201 onward. Show your favorite one at your next toolbox talk and get your people thinking safety just as much as they think about quality and production!

Weekly Zoom Training
  • 0201 E - Holiday Hazards


    This video covers common holiday hazards and how to avoid them, with practical advice to keep things safe and stress-free.

    1. Electricity and Christmas lights
    2. Ice
    3. Cold weather
    4. Travel
    5. Planning ahead
    6. Ladders to cleaning leaves from gutters
    7. Cooking
    8. Sleepy Driving

  • 0202 E - Ladder Safety - Extension - True Story


    In this video, Steve shares a shocking story that underscores the importance of ladder safety and making smart decisions on the job. While rushing to finish a painting project, Steve grabbed a ladder with a known defect instead of taking three extra minutes to get a safer one. To ...

  • 0203 E - Confined Spaces - The Basics

    Confined spaces come with risks you might not even think about. This video breaks down what the definition of confined space, the difference between Permit and Non-permit spaces, and the 7 requirements of the standard.

    Do you know what 3 parameters define a confined space? Steve p...